Jessica is a Los Angeles-based actress, raised in Dallas by a Chinese tiger mom and a southern Born-in-Texas-will-die-in-Texas stepfather. She’s still in disbelief that, through all the language and cultural barriers, their love of basic American luxuries like Riverdale and Whataburger has united them for so many years.
Her inspiration comes from her family and interest in immigrant culture. When she’s frustrated at a 3 hour turnaround for a self tape, she reminds herself that 80 years ago her grandmother was a peasant, climbing trees and eating leaves in order to survive under imperialist rule. Two generations later, she gets paid to f*ck around as other people.
She’s obsessed with Kendrick Lamar, drawing semi-permanent tattoos on herself, and getting pho alone at her regular spot (you’ll never know). She also wants everyone to think she’s a hoodrat, but really her favorite part of the day is getting ready for bed. She’s an ENFJ Type 8 and a Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp.
Finally, she does everything for her lil’ brother Jojo and hopes one day he’ll click out of Roblox and reply to her texts.